Tooth Contouring

Tooth contouring is also known as tooth reshaping and involves changing the shape of the tooth to create a more attractive aesthetic. The aim of tooth contouring is to enhance the aesthetic of the smile, repair minor damage and bring teeth into alignment with other teeth. This is a cheap alternative to orthodontic treatment, but because it does involve trimming away some of the teeth it is not always recommended.

What does the procedure involve?

The procedure is usually quite quick and completely safe and painless when in capable hands. During the appointment the dentist will use restorative materials to repair damage to the enamel, fill in chips and create a better shape. After the work has been done, the edges of the teeth will be polished to create a smooth finish. Tooth contouring is a suitable option for crooked teeth and twisted teeth, as well as goofy teeth and buck teeth. For more complex cases related to the bite, such as overbites, underbites and crossbites, the dentist may recommend more advanced orthodontic treatment.

What are the advantages of tooth contouring?

Tooth contouring is a relatively cheap and quick solution to minor imperfections, and can be used to create a more appealing aesthetic. It can also provide a positive effect to the functionality of teeth, improving speech and chewing.

Is the procedure safe?

Tooth contouring does involve the shaving away of the surface of the teeth, otherwise known as tooth enamel. This portion of the tooth is in place to provide protection for the layers underneath, so shaving it away can sometimes lead to problems related to sensitive teeth and pain. It is consequently advised to go with orthodontic treatment for crooked teeth, in most cases, though your dentist will be able to recommend a treatment suitable for your specific condition. Some treatments like Invisalign, however, do require a certain level of tooth contouring anyhow.

How much does tooth contouring cost?

The cost of treatment will depend on how much work the dentist carries out and the dentist or clinic you visit, but generally you can expect to pay between £30 and £200 per tooth.