Damon Braces

Damon braces use friction-free, state of the art technology to move the teeth into the correct position. They do this by using self-litigating wires and brackets, which move the teeth both gently and effectively. The brackets also allow for greater ease when changing or tightening the wires, which means fewer visits to your dentist. Damon braces generate forces to gently move the teeth into the desired position and are much lighter and more discreet than traditional fixed braces. Treatment times are also a great deal shorter than other brace systems and help create a perfect smile you don’t have to wait forever for.

What are the benefits of Damon braces?

Damon braces have numerous benefits, such as working quicker than conventional braces and sitting more comfortably within the mouth. Damon braces are also very light and discreet and they can be used to treat complex orthodontic problems, such as crossbite, overbite, underbite, twisted teeth, crooked teeth, buck teeth and gaps. Damon braces also improve facial aesthetics and treatment times are generally around 6 months shorter than traditional braces. Damon braces are a good choice for people looking for effective treatment for complex orthodontic problems, but desire a higher level of discretion that is missing for other fixed braces.

Are Damon braces suitable for everyone?

Damon braces are suitable for a large range of orthodontic problems as Damon braces can generate a lot of movement, making them suitable for complex problems such as overbite, crossbite and underbite, as well as crooked teeth and twisted teeth, goofy and buck teeth, gaps between the teeth and crowding. They work in the same way as many other traditional, fixed braces, with a high level of control and movement, but unlike traditional braces are discreet and barely noticeable. This combination of effective treatment and discretion makes Damon braces a popular choice for many people, especially those with difficult and numerous orthodontic problems.

How much do Damon braces cost?

Prices depend on the practice you visit, the materials used to make your brace and the severity of your condition, but generally Damon braces cost within the region of £2,500.

Many practices now offer interest free finance for the payment of their brace system, which can help break down the cost of your treatment.