
Clearstep is a system which uses a series of clear aligners, known as positioners, to move the teeth into the desired position. The positioners are worn for around 2 weeks and then replaced with the next in the series.

How does Clearstep work?

An impression of your teeth will be made and sent to a dental lab, which will then produce your individual Clearstep aligners. Your Clearstep aligners will be completely transparent and clear and can often be used in conjunction with Clearstep’s specially formulated teeth whitening gel, to brighten your teeth whilst straightening them. Each aligner is slightly different from the one before and has been made using a computer programme, which accurately predicts the movement of your teeth from one aligner to the next. The difference between each aligner helps gently move your teeth into their new, straight position.

What are the advantages of Clearstep?

The most obvious advantage of Clearstep is that the positioners are invisible to other people, meaning that patients can have treatment without other people even realising. The positioners are removable, so you can take them out to play sports or attend social events. You can also take them out to eat, drink and to clean your teeth, which enables you to clean them properly, reducing the risk of oral health problems. Fixed metal braces often require an orthodontist to clean them thoroughly, which means extra dental visits, but with Clearstep aligners all you need is a soft toothbrush, water and retainer cleaner tablets for an occasional soak, to help keep them fresh and clean.

Am I a suitable candidate for Clearstep?

Clearstep is suitable for many orthodontic problems, including buck teeth or goofy teeth, as well as twisted teeth and crooked teeth. However, it may not be suitable for more complex orthodontic cases, such as severe crossbites, overbites and underbites. If you are not a suitable candidate for Clearstep, your dentist will be able to recommend a more appropriate treatment.

How much does Clearstep cost?

The cost of treatment with Clearstep varies according to the dentist you visit and your individual prescription, but most patients can expect to pay in excess of £1600.

Your dentist may also be able to offer you an interest free payment plan to help cut down the cost of your treatment, so you can pay it progressively rather than all upfront.